Feb 4, 2018 | Ask the Contractor, Design Ideas, Kitchen
Whether you decide to undertake an entire home remodeling or simply a kitchen remodel, countertops become integral to your overall design.
Dec 5, 2017 | Design Ideas, Kitchen
It’s the sparkling lights, mesmerizing colors and even the tantalizing fragrances that add so much to the holiday atmosphere in a home. From wreaths and trees to mantels and dining tables, decorative accents are an easy and beautiful way to infuse your home with the...
Nov 24, 2015 | Ask the Contractor, Design Ideas, Kitchen
Are you looking to add value to your home? One of the places where your attention should be focused is the kitchen. Kitchens sell homes, so improvements and upgrades will return great dividends in the long run. Redo the Cabinets If your cabinets are outdated, give...
Jun 30, 2014 | Design Ideas, Kitchen
Kitchen Backsplash. One important decision to consider when remodeling your kitchen is the backplash. There are many quality backsplash options available for homeowners. This can make a big impact on the overall kitchen remodel. 1. Colors...
Jun 15, 2014 | Design Ideas, Kitchen
When remodeling your kitchen, selecting a kitchen sink is a very important decision as there are several factors to take into consideration. Decor Imagine how the sink will fit in with your décor. Do you want a sleek stainless steel sink to match your appliances?...
Feb 8, 2012 | Design Ideas, Kitchen
UNDERSTANDING GRANITE Granite is the premium countertop material for kitchens and bathrooms, adding timeless beauty, durability and value to the home. By definition granite is a common, coarse-grained, light-colored, hard igneous rock consisting chiefly of Double Ogee...